
Student Application

Please note: A parent or guardian should complete this application unless student is age 18+.

There is no fee for private lessons, instruments or supplies for students of 240 Strings who are enrolled in MaineCare. We request contributions from families of students not enrolled in MaineCare. Outside of 240 Strings, the full cost of an academic year of private lessons, instrument rental, supplies, recitals is at least $2500. We feel it is important that students and parents understand this value and treat the experience as if they were paying full price.


Lesson Policies: Instrument: Students MUST treat their instruments with respect. It is important to note that the instrument and case your student receives may be worth up to $5000, and you will be responsible for loss, damage or theft.  Instruments must be cared for in a gentle manner, away from food, drink, and younger siblings. It is the responsibility of the student to protect their borrowed instruments from damage. They cannot be left in the car for any reason. 

Practice: Students are expected to practice their instrument every day. If possible, a parent or other adult should be available to help and guide them as much as possible.

Attendance: Students must attend every lesson, both for in-person lessons and during periods of online lessons. For online lessons, make sure you know the instructions for meeting your teacher, and be ready 5 minutes before your lesson time with your instrument and music out, and a pencil nearby. Instructors will wait 10 minutes after lesson time. If you must miss a lesson, please let your teacher know 24 hours ahead of time. If you miss one lesson, you will receive a warning. If you miss two lessons, you will be placed on probation and 240 Strings staff will meet with your family. If you miss three lessons, you will no longer be allowed to take lessons.

Illness: If you stayed home from school or left early due to illness, DO NOT COME TO YOUR LESSON. We will make every effort to reschedule any lessons missed because of illness or weather.